27. HMAC
Start Quiz:
import hmac
# Implement the hash_str function to use HMAC and our SECRET instead of md5
SECRET = 'imsosecret'
def hash_str(s):
###Your code here
def make_secure_val(s):
return "%s|%s" % (s, hash_str(s))
def check_secure_val(h):
val = h.split('|')[0]
if h == make_secure_val(val):
return val
User's Answer:
(Note: The answer done by the user is not guaranteed to be correct)
import hmac
# Implement the hash_str function to use HMAC and our SECRET instead of md5
SECRET = 'imsosecret'
def hash_str(s):
return hmac.new(SECRET, s).digest()
def make_secure_val(s):
return "%s|%s" % (s, hash_str(s))
def check_secure_val(h):
val = h.split('|')[0]
if h == make_secure_val(val):
return val